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3 Easy Steps to Make Your Jewelry Photos Pop with Photoshop

Aug 11 22, at 22:05 pm
Reading time: 2 mins

When editing jewelry photos to use on Etsy, your website, or any other platform, you’ll want to make sure the images are bright and clear so that potential customers can get a good idea of what your products look like. This can be challenging when photographing small pieces of jewelry with lots of intricate details that Photoshop can easily hide or over-enhance if you’re not careful with your edits. Here are three quick and easy steps you can take to ensure your photos come out looking as good as possible.Just looking for the best jewelry retouching services provider.


Prepare Images

Before you start editing your jewelry photos in Photoshop, there are a few things you need to do first. First, make sure all the images you want to edit are imported into Adobe Photoshop. Next, create a new layer for each image by selecting the adjustment layer. Now you're ready to start editing!

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Make Adjustments

  1. To make your jewelry photos pop, start by making adjustments to the levels. This will help bring out the colors and details in the photo.
  2. Next, add a bit of sharpness to the image. This will help make the jewelry stand out against any background.
  3. Finally, increase the contrast slightly. This will help give your photos that professional look that will make them stand out from the rest.


Final Touches

Now that you've followed the steps above, your jewelry photos should look much better! But there are a few final touches you can do to make them really stand out.


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