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Can a Kidney heal by Ayurveda approach?

May 15 21, at 06:25 am
Reading time: 4 mins

The kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs located at the bottom of the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, extra fluids, and impurities out of the blood through urine.

Kidney disease is a health disorder that can affect the body’s ability to clean the blood, filter extra water out of the blood, and help control the blood pressure. It lets several health complications and symptoms occur altogether. The symptoms indicate that the kidneys are damaged and the functions have deteriorated. If left undiagnosed or untreated, the damage can get worse and the kidneys may ultimately stop working. This condition can be life-threatening.

People usually prefer to opt for allopathic treatment to get faster relief from the disease. Allopathic doctors recommend dialysis in the case when kidney function reaches a nominal level. But treatments like dialysis, kidney transplant, and strong allopathic medications are proven to cause side effects and are harmful to the body.

To stay away from such dangerous risks and side effects of such harmful procedures, a person needs to go with an Ayurveda treatment that will provide a natural way of curing the disease.

Karma Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic kidney care hospital provides Ayurvedic kidney treatment for treating kidney disease naturally. Before discussing Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease, let us tell you more about kidney and kidney disease.

Causes of kidney disease

As mentioned earlier, Kidney disease can be caused by certain health conditions that affect the filtering units of the urinary system. The health conditions include:

? High blood pressure: High blood pressure affects the bloodstreams that carry blood to the various parts of the kidney, including that of the kidney.
? High blood sugar: Increased diabetes level is the major cause of kidney damage. Diabetic patients are more prone to kidney disease because too much sugar in the blood will not allow the glomeruli to clean your blood.
? A family history of kidney disease: Those who have members in the family having a kidney disease are more at risk than others.
? Age over 60 or above: As you age, the filtering units called glomeruli start to get weakened. This makes it difficult for you to eliminate toxins from the body.
? Heart disease: The probability of occurrence of kidney damage increases when you already have cardiovascular disease because of timid blood vessels.

Symptoms of kidney disease

A person may not be able to notice symptoms until the disease is advanced. The signs and symptoms of kidney disease are:

? High blood pressure
? Nausea and vomiting
? Loss of appetite
? A metallic taste in the mouth
? Frequent urination
? Blood in urine
? Fatigue and weakness
? Trouble thinking
? Sleep issues
? Muscle cramps
? Swelling in legs, feet, and ankles
? Dry and itchy skin
? Chest pain
? Shortness of breath

If you have any kidney-related troubles and are looking for treatment in Ayurveda, then you should possibly go for Ayurvedic kidney treatment from Karma Ayurveda, which is an Ayurvedic kidney care hospital in New Delhi.

Diagnosis for kidney disease

The doctor may begin by asking questions about family medical history, the medications, and any signs or symptoms noticed by the patient. Furthermore, the doctors might ask a person to go through some tests to diagnose kidney disease, such as:

? Urine output measurements: Examining urination for 24 hours may help your doctor know about the cause of acute kidney disease.
? Urine tests: A sample of urine is taken to identify if it has substances like protein, pus, and bacteria in it.
? Blood tests: Creatinine is a waste compound that indicates a lot about kidney function. If your blood has creatinine, it means your kidney function is not accurate.
? Imaging tests: Imaging tests reveal the structure of the kidneys and malfunction if any. Ultrasound and computerized tomography are the two tests done to know the condition of the kidneys.
? A kidney biopsy: In rare cases, your doctor may tell you to go for a kidney biopsy. It is done by extracting a sample of the kidney tissue and testing it for kidney function.

Ayurveda treatment for kidney disease

Ayurveda emerged thousands of years ago. Ayurveda treatment is inclusive of herbal medications and ancient methods of healing diseases. Finding the root cause of the disease and focusing to cure them is the main goal of ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda treatment is the most secure and effective method for restoring the kidneys and their functions. It is the alternative approach to dialysis and kidney transplant. Ayurvedic kidney treatment will serve you with combating the problem in a natural way.

The ayurvedic treatment uses organic herbs to cure the root cause of kidney disease and hence giving permanent relief from the disease. Several potent herbs combined with other components are used to make ayurvedic medicines. They have no side effects and are completely natural.

Here are some great benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease:

? Help to lower blood pressure
? Strengthens the kidneys
? Releases stress
? Detoxifies your body
? Makes you internally healthy
? Regulates hormones
? It is undeniably beneficial to maintain a healthy weight

Apart from this, ayurvedic kidney treatment gives guidance about the benefits of healthy eating habits and lifestyle. It also gives directions about the importance of Yoga and its role in the natural healing of damaged kidneys. Both factors help to sustain your overall well-being.

Karma Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic kidney care hospital in Delhi, has been helping to treat kidney patients since 1937. They serve kidney patients with ayurvedic treatment for all kinds of kidney diseases. Under the guidance of Dr. Puneet, thousands of kidney patients have been cured naturally with Ayurveda treatment.


Hey there! I am Vipin Sharma. Welcome to my blog where in I will be sharing information related to kidneys' well-being.
