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What is kidney stones- Its Symptoms, Causes And Ayurvedic Treatment

May 04 21, at 12:26 pm
Reading time: 3 mins
India is considered as an abode of several health problems which often get triggered due to unhealthy lifestyle and poor dietary habits which can gradually make you hollow from inside. According to Ayurveda, whatever you eat is looked up as an offering to your Agni ( fire) which is one of five primary doshas of your body. Your inner fire plays a crucial role in regulating your metabolism, digestion, and produce energy which is used by multiple organs for the optimal functioning of your body.

Talking about kidney problems, kidney stone is a common report renal ailment in India. According to the report, the estimated prevalence of urinary stones in India fluctuates between 12 to 20%.

This article sets out to reveal some important facts about kidney stones that are of grave importance and should be in the light.  Let’s get a grasp of kidney failure, its symptoms, causes, and Ayurvedic treatment.

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are hard crystals made of minerals, salt, uric acid, and oxalate form inside your kidneys. This problem majorly occurs when your urine has a higher concentration of minerals, calcium, uric acid, and oxalate than fluids that stick together and form kidney stones.  Kidney stones can be as big as the size of a pearl or can be as small as a grain of sand.  This problem is likely to occur in people who drink less water or have less fluid intake.

What are the symptoms of kidney stones?

The symptoms of kidney stones are hard to get noticed during the initial stages, however, you may experience some symptoms after a certain period which may include the following-

? Having severe, sharp pain in the back and side, below the ribs
? Having recurrent pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin
? Sharp pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity
? Feeling pain or burning sensation while urinating

Other signs and symptoms may include:

? Having red, pink, or brown urine constantly
? Having cloudy urine with a strong foul smell
? Nausea and vomiting
? Fever and chills

What are the causes of kidney failure?

There are several environmental and medical factors that can develop kidney stones in your kidneys. Here we've listed some conditions which include the following-

? If you have had kidney stones before
? If you drink less water
? Excessive consumption of calcium
? Excessive consumption of protein
? If you consume certain medicines, such as diuretics (water pills) or calcium-based antacids
? If you have had polycystic kidney disease
? If there's any obstruction in the urinary tract

When to see a doctor?

If you feel the above-mentioned symptoms in your health then it’s important to consult the doctor so that you can prevent the potential threat in time.

Important takeaways for kidney stones

You can prevent this problem with few diet and lifestyle changes, as well as some Ayurvedic treatment which can stimulate the work of your kidneys' filtering unit and help your body to get rid of stones through urine:-

? Stay hydrated
? Eat less sodium
? Eat more calcium-rich foods
? Eat few oxalate-rich foods
? Eat less animal protein
? Avoid vitamin C supplements
? Explore herbal remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones

Unlike other treatment that is intended to cure the symptoms, Ayurvedic treatment not only work on the upper layers of the problems but also detoxifies the body from the ground cause so that medicines work better to deliver permanent relief from the problems.  The Kidney Stones Treatment in Ayurveda works as a perfect healing system that not only reverses the weak kidneys’ cells but also harmonizes your mind, body, and soul and lets you attain overall holistic health.  Ayurveda uses panchakarma which is a strong bio-cleansing procedure that helps your body to get rid of toxins, waste products, bacteria, and other excessive fluids which makes you vulnerable to having many health problems including kidney stones.

Disclaimer: Kidney stones are a chronic health ailment required to be chewed down with the right treatment time. It’s advised that you do not make any changes in your diet or schedule without considering your doctor or renal dietitian. The symptom varies from body to body based on age, sex, and nationalities.


Hey there! I am Vipin Sharma. Welcome to my blog where in I will be sharing information related to kidneys' well-being.
